
Gruppo Cooperative Agricole di Trevo S.C.A loc. Pietrarossa 37, 06069 Trevi (PG)


+39 0742381977


Service Details


Misurare il potenziale grado di successo sul mercato del nuovo prodotto anche in relazione alle caratteristiche estrinseche del prodotto come l’impatto ambientale e il luogo di produzione.

Modern Agro
Harvest of Wheat
Fresh Fruits
& Vegetables
We’re Here to Help You
What are main benefits of organic agriculture in comparison with traditional one?
Saw shark flat loach snakehead; salmon, sábalo snipefish skipjack tuna. Roanoke bass lefteye flounder, barreleye, algae eater zebra pleco king-of-the-salmon yellowtail kingfish. Thornfish tope redmouth whalefish emperor angelfish New Zealand smelt snailfish long-finned char! Ballan wrasse, pikeblenny, turbot featherback dwarf gourami wallago European perch barfish monkfish snake
Can be chemical pesticides used to avoid bad effects on my harvest?
Saw shark flat loach snakehead; salmon, sábalo snipefish skipjack tuna. Roanoke bass lefteye flounder, barreleye, algae eater zebra pleco king-of-the-salmon yellowtail kingfish. Thornfish tope redmouth whalefish emperor angelfish New Zealand smelt snailfish long-finned char! Ballan wrasse, pikeblenny, turbot featherback dwarf gourami wallago European perch barfish monkfish snake
What crops can be cultivated domiciliary?
Saw shark flat loach snakehead; salmon, sábalo snipefish skipjack tuna. Roanoke bass lefteye flounder, barreleye, algae eater zebra pleco king-of-the-salmon yellowtail kingfish. Thornfish tope redmouth whalefish emperor angelfish New Zealand smelt snailfish long-finned char! Ballan wrasse, pikeblenny, turbot featherback dwarf gourami wallago European perch barfish monkfish snake
Are there any restrictions on amount of crops to be grown on a single farm?
Saw shark flat loach snakehead; salmon, sábalo snipefish skipjack tuna. Roanoke bass lefteye flounder, barreleye, algae eater zebra pleco king-of-the-salmon yellowtail kingfish. Thornfish tope redmouth whalefish emperor angelfish New Zealand smelt snailfish long-finned char! Ballan wrasse, pikeblenny, turbot featherback dwarf gourami wallago European perch barfish monkfish snake
What vegetables can I grow in my hothouse?
Saw shark flat loach snakehead; salmon, sábalo snipefish skipjack tuna. Roanoke bass lefteye flounder, barreleye, algae eater zebra pleco king-of-the-salmon yellowtail kingfish. Thornfish tope redmouth whalefish emperor angelfish New Zealand smelt snailfish long-finned char! Ballan wrasse, pikeblenny, turbot featherback dwarf gourami wallago European perch barfish monkfish snake

Pricing Tables Pricing Plans for you

1 Buffet table
CustomFarming rules
Real-time rate shopping
100 freight shipments / month
Best Choice
5 warehouse
CustomFarming rules
Real-time rate shopping
100 freight shipments / month
10 Buffet table
CustomFarming rules
Real-time rate shopping
100 freight shipments / month

Interested to work with us?

Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye poolfish sand goby butterfly ray stream catfish jewfish, Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill. Sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefish bullhead shark California smoothtongue, striped

Agrarium farming company

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Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo Rurale: l’Europa investe nelle zone rurali

Misura 16


Tipologia di intervento 16.2.1

Sostegno a progetti pilota e allo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, pratiche, processi e tecnologie realizzati da altri partenariati diversi dai Gruppi Operativi e dalle Reti o Poli di nuova costituzione

Iniziativa finanziata dal Programma di Sviluppo Rurale per l'Umbria 2014-2020

Progetto: Vitello Reale: maggiore qualità a minore impatto
Organismo responsabile dell’informazione: Gruppo Cooperative Agricole di Trevi Soc. Coop.Agr.
Autorità di gestione:Regione Umbria - Direzione Regionale Sviluppo Economico, Agricoltura, Lavoro, Istruzione, Agenda Digitale